Kristen Helmers

Romance Author
Kristen Helmers, author of A Butterfly’s Summer, claims not to be a writer, but instead says she is a simple storyteller.
Born and raised in the upper Midwest, Kristen is familiar with a small-town way of life. Now living in Orlando, Florida as a base, she has said she misses living in a community that is deeply connected to each other. A first-time novelist, Kristen spent her formative years learning to craft short stories for oral presentations. She stuck to the comedy of her own life experiences, and enjoys making people laugh through her relatable content. A Butterfly’s Summer, came from a dream as do all her greatest stories. It was only now she felt she could do it justice.
Kristen is an all-around artist, and finds time to write wherever she can. She prides herself on her motherly love for her dogs and free spirit. Kristen surrounds herself with friends and family as often as possible and enjoys traveling the world meeting new people, and embracing the weird and wild life she has been gifted.
The tale of A Butterfly’s Summer gives everyone a chance to experience a small town with a big love story.